The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Students in the Digital Age

The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Students in the Digital Age

Emerging research highlights the undeniable impact of our emotions on virtually every aspect of our lives, from personality development to social skills, and even our immune system.

The complex relationship between poor grades and emotional connection cannot be solely attributed to inadequate infrastructure. Values and emotions coexist in the relationship we have with ourselves and the world. They ignite our energy and propel us forward in life, but we also need direction, which comes in the form of intention and perception.

Dr. Hans Seyle, founder of stress research, discovered that humans have hidden reserves of adaptability in their bodies, also known as resilience, willpower, and motivation, based on the amount of energy exerted. Prolonged exposure to an environment that contradicts our core values leads to the depletion of our adaptation energy. Causing our bodies to remain in a prolonged state of tension that can affect our minds, our digestive systems, and other vital functions.

The interplay between our external environment and our internal one shapes our development as individuals. Including the development of the specific social skills needed to coexist in a thriving, diverse society.

Empathic listening is a powerful tool that can reveal the true emotional state of an individual. By paying attention to speech and narrative patterns, we can gain deeper insights into their emotional state and the challenges students face. In fact, the true story is often told through the patterns of their narrative - whether fluent or halting, detailed or characterised by many words, consistent or self-contradictory, and even through Freudian slips.

Emotional intelligence is a powerful tool that can transform the way students approach their studies and ultimately improve their grades. By developing a deep sense of self-awareness, students can tap into their full potential and unleash their inner resourcefulness. With empathy and strong social skills, they can build positive relationships with their peers and teachers, creating a supportive and conducive learning environment. Through resilience and adaptability they can tackle challenges head-on and come out on top. By cultivating a creativity they will foster a growth mindset and achieve academic excellence.

A crucial skill for success in our fast-paced world. It's not just about excelling in a structured learning environment, but also about being able to adapt and respond to the constantly evolving challenges and opportunities present in the world. Those with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to navigate uncertainty and thrive in any situation with creativeness, wholeness, and fulfilment. 

📚 Bibilography:

  1. Anodea Judith "Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self" 
  2. Dr. Gabor Maté: "When the Body Says No"
  3. Hans Selye: Founder of the stress theory Article 


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