The Hidden Rules of Our Mindset: Intro

The Hidden Rules of Our Mindset: Intro

I like rules.

People lives are shaped by them and therefore by our imagination. They define the natural state of entropy. As long as society believes in them and abides to them they will exist and be enforced. Once we stop believing, structured chaos returns, the natural world.

Our mindset is no different.

The irony is that we are both the rule enforcer and the rule breaker. Shifting between the two according to our emotional state: like the rudder of ship, unseen yet unmistakably felt. Once we stop switching, structured chaos returns, the world of the heart and soul.

Simultaneously witness being both the breaker and the enforced of rules is a trippy and freeing experience. I am both and none. From this space we can truly choose.

The monkey mind is a jungle of timelines.

One of the best ways to exit the spirals of doubt and suffering is to move with the body, because it only lives in the present moment. If the mind lingers to much in the past the body will imprint living the life of memories. Conversely, if the attention is towards the future it will imprint living the life of imagination. 

"The mind is equated with a wild monkey, jumping here and there. Because of this inborn tendency it is very difficult to hold it still. Hatha yoga says let the mind be, concentrate on the autonomic body functions and vital energy, and the mind will become quiet by itself."
Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda

Potential and resourcefulness.

Awareness from which action can be taken, live only in the here and now, the fleeting moment. What was and what yet has to become serve as diving board into different moods, mindsets and motions.

A way of accessing what we lack in the present moment, like a credit card. Useful to move faster, to get unstuck, and alleviate tensions. But, relying on credit creates a vicious down spiral cycle, where movement is devoid of any growth.

What's our personal limit vs what's our mindset limit?

Knowing how to interpret the varied signals derived from motion gives us a great advantage in perceiving what voices are truly ours vs what voices are just habitual roles picked up on the way.

To separate noise from signals, deep and honest conversations is required with: my thoughts, my memories, my emotions, my body, my self-identity, my intuition, my people, my space and my time.

Liberation is not a religious word.

"It indicates a scientific process of uniting two opposite Forces. When these opposite Forces combine, an explosion occurs which releases potential energy. In Tantra the forces are called Shiva and Shakti; in Yoga, prana and chitta; in Samkhya, purusha and prakriti; in Vedanta, Brahman and jiva; and in Physics, time and space."
Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda

Intimacy and passion.

They make life richer as they embody elements of trust, self-compassion and intuitive guidance. A natural way of being we were all born with, a mindset of freedom.

Life exist and can be experienced in all three timelines. However, the only one where we get to truly test and explore ourselves with care and passion is the present one. Each step we take will be a step closer towards intimately knowing ourselves. 

Changing our mindset is a process of self discovery and belonging to this world with greater purpose. 

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